As I told you in my article in 2023, nothing much has happened since 2019 when I went to the hospital and started taking the pills daily. The treatment changed but always for the better. I did not forget my experiences but I always fluctuate between an undiscovered reality and hallucinations. I write a fictional story about this on my blog, which is just a prototype at the moment, but I am also working on my current job. I started doing sports again and life was pretty normal. I did not have the so-called visions or hallucinations anymore. This only lasted until March-April 2024, I always forget the day or maybe even the hour because I don’t see it as a causality. I think that what I am about to tell you happened by the end of March and the start of April 2024 somewhere at 11 in the morning.
I was working just like on any other day, remote at my home, with the left hand on the keyboard and the right hand on the mouse. I was pretty focused on what was I doing, and as a reminder, from 2019 to the present moment I took my treatment daily each morning and night. As I was looking at the computer screen, it took me some moments to observe something again in the corner of my right eye, down. It was the same spherical white light that I had seen before going to the hospital in 2019, in the chapter that I wrote above, “There is Light in Your Eyes”. I was only looking at it, this time intentionally blinking to see if it would go away and trying to be as rational as I could. After a few moments, while looking in the right corner of my right eye, down, where the white light was present, I felt a touch on my hand while holding the mouse. It was right between the thumb finger and index finger. I left the keyboard and mouse and turned with the chair in the living room to see the environment. I shouted at that moment “You can touch me how much you want”. I did it friendly, maybe too friendly, I hope it did not sound kinky lol. The white light from the right eye on my right corner vanished and I got up from the chair. I was looking at one point with my eyes exactly towards the kitchen. At that moment I blinked 2 times out of reflex. The duration between these two blinkings was very short, I would say that maybe even less than a second or so. Between the first and the second blinking, I saw again a black human silhouette in the kitchen like before in past experiences. By the time I blinked a second time there was no more of that silhouette and I went to the kitchen and just said “Hello?”.
I kept this a secret for a few months as I wanted to observe if something else would happen, but it did not. I told my close ones now in October the details about it, and I am giving this update to you. It always ends in the same manner where “friends” tell me I am insane and others try to find a so-called rational argument, without thinking that it may be possible to be just something they are not used to, another part of reality and rationality that is unknown to them. Nobody can beat experience or something you see with your eyes. Even with treatment, even with a span of 5 years, I still see this. For the moment, whenever I see the white light then the black light appears and opposite. This may prove to be a causality. I am not scared of them in any possible way, but it is still hard to distinguish if this is real or just a hallucination. This may be because other people that I explain my experiences to instill in me doubt. Even if I supported my story and my idea with everything I had, I still have a shade of doubt, maybe because it seems impossible that I might be right. Maybe it’s just me, but I am starting to see this as…real.
Nothing much to say about this guy except something is weird about him…